Since birth till recently

Thursday, August 12, 2010


Amni's favourite song. I don't know how many times I have to replay this video becuase she keeps saying, "Nak agi." which mean, "again please."

Monday, August 9, 2010

Reading Time: Amni & Cousins

With 'Wheels on the Bus' book.
Big-cousin-sister, Amriena is a voracious reader.
Holding a book while watching 'Blues Clues'.
Making funny faces.
She knows I'm taking her picture - posing.
Big-cousin-brother, Emran.
Trying to give a pretty pose.
Listening to Emran's story.
I'm glad that I display some books there because the place really attracts them.
Making faces again.
Just look at her.
Sweet smile.
Asking me to see the pictures.
She was surprise when I use the flash.
Happy when I took her picture.