Since birth till recently

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Polyvore set for Amni.

Chena, this is my creation for you. Amni is the main character and this set is specially made as a present from me.

My Baby Amni
My Baby Amni by hanniaziz featuring Old Navy socks

Hope you like it.


Unknown said...

"Dan orang-orang yang beriman dan berhijrah serta berjihad pada jalan Allah (untuk membela Islam) dan orang-orang (Ansar) yang memberi tempat kediaman dan pertolongan (kepada orang-orang Islam yang berhijrah itu), merekalah orang-orang yang beriman dengan sebenar-benarnya. Mereka beroleh keampunan dan limpah kurnia yang mulia." (Al-Anfaal 8:74)

Salam ziarah dari saya,,blog yang menarik ,jemput muzakarah di blog saya....dan jadikan blog saya sebagai rakan anda..tq

Almas Kiran Shamim said...

Assalam sister..
Amni is sooooo cute...
u r lucky to be close to ur neice..
my sister has twins, two yrs three months of age... but i aint with them.. im in mainland india.. and they r at home..( home's very close to malaysia.. v r neighbours:)).. i wish i cud be wid dem...

Unknown said...

APS - terima kasih.

Unknown said...

Wa'alaikumsalam Sis. Yes, I'm so happy to be close to her because I don't a child of my own yet. Sometimes I wish there twins in our family but none so far. You must be looking forward to see them as often as me. Yes, Andaman is very near to Malaysia. My home is also on an Island but it's not as marvelous as Andaman.